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Hollywood Colorist Walter (CSI) about his color grading process

Hollywood Colorist Walter (CSI) about his color grading process



W alter Volpatto (CSI) is one of Hollywood's most successful colorist and some of his movies include Green Book, Dunkirk, Star Wars: The Last Jedi and The Hateful Eight. He primarily works in DaVinci Resolve and uses a fixed node structure that he has developed over the years. 

Lowepost visited Walter at Company 3 LA with our camera team to learn in detail about how he builds his grades.

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1 hour ago, Dustin Stelly said:

I don't know if there's anything else on Lowepost that I'll watch but this one video and the .drx was worth the annual subscription cost. 

too kind....


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I just registered to the upcoming Walter's Master Class on April 24.  Here is an overview:

1. Why do something instead of focusing on how to do something. 2. Approach to color - technique - observer - style. 3. Limitations of the human eye, limitations of the displays, limitation of the distribution chain. 4. Negative - Positive model. 5. Look build on photographic principal of exposure. 6. Workflow on Set and Post. 7. Color Decisions - See the movie, read the script, understand the story. 8. Timeline/groups/scene/shot - Where the Color Goes? 9. Scene look, hero shot, technical matching, refinement. 10. HDR - Maintaining the intended photography, Virtual Nit device, Recovery of highlights / Black mapping, & Dolby Trim Pass.

Edited by Willian Aleman
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20 hours ago, Willian Aleman said:

I just registered to the upcoming Walter's Master Class on April 24.  Here is an overview:

1. Why do something instead of focusing on how to do something. 2. Approach to color - technique - observer - style. 3. Limitations of the human eye, limitations of the displays, limitation of the distribution chain. 4. Negative - Positive model. 5. Look build on photographic principal of exposure. 6. Workflow on Set and Post. 7. Color Decisions - See the movie, read the script, understand the story. 8. Timeline/groups/scene/shot - Where the Color Goes? 9. Scene look, hero shot, technical matching, refinement. 10. HDR - Maintaining the intended photography, Virtual Nit device, Recovery of highlights / Black mapping, & Dolby Trim Pass.

Hmmm...But is it legit?  Volpatto said here in the forum that he was not considering doing a class.

 I would love it to be true @Walter Volpattocan you confirm that you're collaborating with that school?

Edited by Elisa Mariani
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Hello Elisa,

Thanks for the alert.

I don’t know more than I did the registration at the website appearing in my original post here.

It would be helpful to have a confirmation from Walter here.


Edited by Willian Aleman
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