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Cary Knoop

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About Cary Knoop

  • Birthday 04/07/1965

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  1. Oh dear! I am sorry, I completely missed that.
  2. Bypassing the channels won't help to avoid the luminance mix interference (at least not in Resolve 16 beta). Try it, make a bold change in the curves and now move the luminance mix from 100 to zero, you should not see a difference but it shows a difference.
  3. I would make sure that Luminance Mix is set to zero, even when only the G channel is selected in the node.
  4. There is no limit for upload. Also, Resolve's H.264 is not very good, better to export an intermediate and use ffmpeg with -crf (around crf 16-17 should be ok). That the footage was taken from web exports explains the high occurrence of artifacts. Obviously not an ideal situation for a reel.
  5. Very nice! Some small comments: I would definitely increase the bitrate of your upload, 10 Mb/s is rather minimal. But regardless there are quite a few visible compression artifacts in the source. Was the video encoded with a software or hardware based encoder? Even for 10 Mb/s, it seems very artifact-rich. 25:18 - Very strong banding, probably due to the 8-bit destination codec. 31.14 - Too much noise and too dark. It seems to me that the shot was way underexposed in camera, even the brightest part was not very bright, I would take this shot out, it's beyond repair.
  6. Right now it does not work for me because I use two-way authentication and two-way authentication does not work in Resolve 16 beta 1. Hopefully, they get that fixed in Resolve 16 production. Two-way authentication is pretty much a must if you want to keep things secure. And it's the same with the direct YouTube connection.
  7. Was at NAB this year and spoke quite a bit with Blackmagic representatives. They were all very professional and helpful, some questions that could not be answered were directed real time to other representatives. Two other companies I that want to highlight in terms of the professionalism of their representatives at NAB were AJA and Tektronix,
  8. Rec709 has a linear and a gamma part, the gamma is 2.4, taken together (linear + gamma) gives a resulting gamma of approximately 1.9. See the attached mage for a comparison.
  9. Perhaps the tone mapping algorithms have been updated? Just my opinion but I would only use tone (i.e. gamma) mapping for limiting HDR max nit output. For anything else, I would use the controls with the exception of some gamut mapping if I need to compress the gamut.
  10. There are no rules, it is a personal decision. I think some before and after slides are useful as long as the before is not log footage. Going from log to Rec.709 (or any other deliverable) is simply a technical conversion it's not part of the actual grading.
  11. Because you need less bit depth in log with the same fidelity. Most of the bit depth is wasted in the highlights in linear while you need a lot of it in the shadows.
  12. To use the Resolve Rec.709 Kodak 2383 LUTs I would use Cineon Log as a base, but you have to make sure the black values are slightly raised before you apply the LUT and lowered back afterwards because otherwise your blacks might clip. Soft "Video" look Hard "Film" look
  13. One comment, bringing curves down eventually clips the colors, however if you bring instead the complimentary colors up you avoid clipping.
  14. Did you mean gif or tiff , I never heard of giff.
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