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Marcelo Cosme

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About Marcelo Cosme

  • Birthday 03/10/1977

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  1. Hello Lee, and all Lowepost members. I'm really learning a lot from the course, but I have a question and I would like to better understand how Fusion works with brightness and contrast nodes. Using lesson 19 (Stabilizing and tracking a mask) if I want to apply a color effect ONLY to the logo I create a color correction node and apply it after the logo node, correct? But if I apply it in the same way and work not with color, but with contrast or brightness the effect happens on the whole image, what is the reason for that?
  2. Hi, in series and movies you do the color grading work on the original camera files or an export for example EXR clip sequence or ProREs444 ...
  3. In a simple way, what formats and methods you use workflow with these programs after grading in Resolve.
  4. What workflow do you use to work with Avid / Nuke / Flame?
  5. Hi everyone. I know this subject is somewhat uncontroversial at the moment, but I'd like to know what your experience creating HDR is through Resolve. Anyone using TVs instead of monitors like the Sony X300? I use an LG B7 as the primary monitor and almost always what I see in it during grading is very different from the material on YouTube.
  6. Insane this structure of Volpatto. Any day, I will try to recreate to understand these relinked nodes.
  7. Good morning, reading a news with the excellent Walter Volpatto, I noticed the gigantic structure of fixed nodes he uses. https://video.repubblica.it/spettacoli-e-cultura/oscar-e-italiano-il-mago-dei-colori-di-hollywood-da-star-wars-a-green-book-cosi-creo- emozioni / 327436/328037? fbclid = IwAR1D6Qfv3Wzcebhy6f4IcobJaRMnQaDGQgY5VpEeLl-aTBgF4pFlrfrwX44 Does anyone here also use something like that? If you use like and its structure? I always use a structure like this: Noise reduction, Base, Curves, Key adjustments for faces and other details (parallels), Vignette and a Fine adjustments if necessary.
  8. Hello. Professionally, you use LUT or always work with the clean base. Example: Movie/advertising job recorded in Arri Raw or LOG. Do you use a 3D Lut Arri_log_Rec709 or Color Space Transform or do the base zero?
  9. People, more questions about HDR. This time HDR10 +. I understand the operation, I understand the sidecar generated, but I still do not understand how to export and where to view HDR10 + nor YouTube or Vimeo still interprets, am I correct?
  10. Hi, what are the benefits (or not) of using Colorfront Transkoder to create the IMF for Netflix Dolby Vsion instead of using the Davinci Resolve Studio 15?
  11. Thanks Chris, I use PCI SSD and RAID to work.
  12. Hi, I'm making the color of a movie, but the director and photographer are not following the grade. They are in another state. What is the best form of online presentation, I currently upload a Prores422HQ. Being this a form of visualization, which is the best player to have no errors of gamma, etc ... Always I have fear of who the client not really seeing the material as it should be seen.
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