Hey folks, we've started the public beta of SCRATCH 9.0 and I'm pretty excited about it :-) .
In a nutshell, we have focussed on 3 key things for this release:
- 180° stereo VR support (incl. mesh-based geometry conversion, also for Live)
- UI update (mainly introducing tab navigation, moving away for the Construct vs. Player methodology)
- Dailies toolset (faster file-io, updates on DIT-tools)
You can find release notes and the latest build here (download at bottom of page): http://www.assimilatesupport.com/akb/Download50814.aspx
And to get started with a 30-day license for v9, go here: http://register.assimilateinc.com/registration.aspx?p=3
We'd love to get feedback from you guys :-) .
If you happen to be at NAB, feel free to pop by one of the above stands.